Sign Up

By signing up, you agree to the following:

  • We may contact you during your trial period to provide product updates, offer support, or share relevant information.
  • Your trial period lasts for 14 days, during which you willhave full access to the platform's features.
  • At the end of the trial period, you will have the option to subscribe to one of our plans to continue using the service.
  • You can cancel anytime during the trial period, and no charges will apply unless you choose to upgrade before it ends.

Enter the official name of your business or law office. This name will be displayed within the app and on client-facing documents.

Choose a unique prefix for your custom URL. This will create your personalized access point.

Legala AS

Modern solutions for Modern Lawyers

Orgnr: 921600070

Drammensveien 123

0277 Oslo